Business and Management

What Is A Dental Implant?

Dental implants are made up of a titanium rod, which is surgically implanted into the jawbone at the place where the tooth is to be replaced; an extension of metal that is connected with the titanium rod after the rod has bonded with the jawbone. Then there is the prosthetic tooth made of ceramic that is joined to the extension following a casting consisting of the patient's teeth so that the prosthesis is molded to be fitted perfectly.

Titanium, due to its status as an inert material, makes it the one that is most suitable for dental implants. Titanium is different from the steel used in the early implants that had disastrous results; it does not trigger the body's reaction to rejection, and it will encase the jawbone, without any negative adverse effects.

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Dental Implant Procedure

The process of putting in a dental implant typically takes place in three phases between nine months and one year. In the initial phase, the dentist will cut an incision through the gums where the tooth is planned to replace, then drill a hole through the jawbone and then insert the titanium rod to be used for the implant.

Implants are a great option for people who do not wish to fight to keep the condition of their teeth or are fed up with chewing with dentures that are not fitting properly.