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Achieving a Beautiful and Functional Smile with Implant Restoration

Implant restoration involves the placement of a dental implant in the jawbone, which serves as a strong and secure anchor for a dental crown or bridge. The dental implant is made of titanium, a biocompatible material that integrates with the bone, creating a strong foundation for the restoration.

Benefits of Implant Restoration

1. Improved Aesthetics: Implant restoration provides a natural-looking solution for missing teeth. The dental crown or bridge is custom-made to match your natural teeth, resulting in a beautiful and seamless smile.

2. Restored Function: Unlike traditional dentures, implant restorations allow you to enjoy your favorite foods without worry. The implant acts as an artificial tooth root, providing stability and allowing you to chew and speak with confidence.

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3. Longevity and Durability: With proper care and maintenance, implant restorations can last a lifetime. They are designed to withstand the daily wear and tear of normal biting and chewing.

4. Preserved Bone Health: When a tooth is lost, the underlying jawbone can begin to deteriorate over time. Implant restoration helps to preserve the integrity of the jawbone, preventing further bone loss and maintaining facial structure.

The Implant Restoration Process

1. Consultation and Planning: Your dentist will thoroughly examine your oral health and discuss your treatment goals. X-rays and dental impressions may be taken to aid in the planning process.

2. Implant Placement: The dental implant is surgically placed into the jawbone. Over several months, the implant will integrate with the bone through a process called osseointegration.

3. Crown or Bridge Placement: Once the implant has fully healed, a dental crown or bridge will be attached to the implant, completing the restoration.